Two things…

Can you find the sweet potatoes?

1) Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I would venture to say that every dinner table in America will display sweet potatoes in some fashion on that wonderful day. Mashed, baked or in a casserole with tiny marshmallows…everyone has a special recipe. I thought this would be the perfect time to make Creamy Sweet Potato Soup. Maybe you’d like to make some, too.  Here’s what you do: peel and dice 4 sweet potatoes & chop up 3 green onions and toss it all in a soup pot. Cover with chicken or veggie stock, add about a teaspoon of salt and bring it to a boil. Boil for about twenty minutes until the potatoes are tender. Use an immersion blender to cream the potatoes. (You can just mash them with a potato masher if you like.)  Measure about 1 1/2 cups of cream and whisk in 2 teaspoons of curry then add it to the potatoes. Ta-da! You just made delicious and satisfying Creamy Sweet Potato Soup!

2) China, the GA State student who did our Kickstarter video, will begin editing while on break next week so, hopefully, we’ll be able to try our new crowd sourced funding campaign before Christmas!

Happy Thanksgiving!


New Plan

Hello, Soup Buddies! Our Kickstarter Campaign didn’t fund so we’re working on a new plan. We’re editing our video to use on another crowd sourced funding site. This site isn’t an “all or nothing” venture like Kickstarter. We’ll be able to keep whatever money we raise so we’ll be able to get started soon. Of course, I’ll keep you posted.

A Big Soup Mama Hug to Scoutmob

Oh, how The Soup Mama loves Scoutmob! Not only do they provide The Soup Daddy and me with super deals for date nights, they show love to all the local businesses here in Atlanta. Best neighbors EVER!


Our Kickstarter Campaign has launched!!

Ta-Da! Here it is: A Soup Shack for Soup Mama. Please share with all your friends!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Kickstarter Update

Hello, Soup Buddies! We’ve completed the Kickstarter video and it’s awesome! We ran into a little technical snafu during our attempt to launch. We are required to have an Amazon Payments account which we set up but it turns out that our bank doesn’t allow an automatic verification. (True confession: I was a little mad about that. But I’m okay now.)

So, we may not be able to launch until Tuesday or Wednesday. You’ll be the first to know when we do!

Watermelon Gazpacho: The Reason I’m The Soup Mama

I made a huge batch of Watermelon Gazpacho for a friend’s wedding on Saturday. It took about 3 hours so I had plenty of time to think. As I was removing the many seeds from my seedless watermelon and finely chopping pounds of produce so that all of the pieces were the same tiny size it occurred to me: “My Soup Buddies may not get to enjoy delicious gazpacho because, quite frankly, who has time for that?!” I felt a little sad. Watermelon Gazpacho is not only yummy it’s also really good for you and you know how important that is to me. That is, after all, why I’m The Soup Mama.

The Julianna's Crew

The Julianna’s Crew

So, in order to scratch that Soup Mama itch, I set aside a serving for the hard workers at Julianna’s in Inman Park. I’m sure you know the place. It’s the really cute, old-timey building on Lake Avenue where they serve up wonderfully delicious crepes all day. 

I said all that to say this, “I miss cooking for you!” Keep a lookout for our Kickstarter Campaign launch on August 30th.

Kickstarter Filming Begins!


We started filming for The Soup Mama’s Kickstarter campaign this weekend! We are set to launch our campaign on August 30th. Stay tuned!

Encouraging Sports News

That's "Greased Lightening" there on the left!

That’s “Greased Lightening” there on the left!

My Souper Sidekick, Shelly (aka – “Greased Lightening”) won two medals at the Special Olympics Georgia Summer Games! She’s sporting a silver medal for the 50 meter dash and a bronze medal for the softball throw.

silver & bronze

silver & bronze

Kickstarter Video Project

chinaMeet China. She’s a film student at Georgia State. Two important things about China: (1) she loves The Soup Mama and (2) she’s heading up our Kickstarter Video Project. (There are some other really cool things about China but that’s a whole ‘nother blog for a whole ‘nother time.)

Our goal is to have the video completed by mid-August so we can launch the Kickstarter Campaign at the beginning of September. In the mean time, keep your eyes peeled for The Soup Mama, Soup Daddy and our Souper Sidekick riding around your neighborhood in our Souper Scooter!

Our new logo.

Our new logo.

Welcome to Barbeque Season!

Shelly & Sugar love b-b-q season!

Shelly & Sugar love
b-b-q season!

Shelly received a $20 Walmart gift card for her birthday and she decided she wanted to buy a Weber grill! We used to have one but it became so rickity that we just couldn’t use it any longer. (True confession: We almost started a fire in a national historic site so we retired it.) She had her heart set on this grill so we subsidized her purchase and she and The Soup Daddy put it together yesterday. So, today we grill! The Soup Daddy is cooking up his fantabulous “Kickin’ Chicken” and I thought it would be the right thing to share his marinade recipe with you:

  • 1 bottle Dale’s Steak Sauce
  • 1/2 bottle Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing

Yep. That’s it. Just marinate your chicken or pork chops or steak for a couple of hours before grilling.

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